Dirty Alchemy presents…

The Dirty Alchemy Experience

8 weeks of high-level strategic support for revolutionary online business owners who crave a team of experts in their corner as they work towards their next big goal, launch (or re-launch) their offers & deepen their easeful success.

Only 3 spaces available per quarter for this level of support.

In the Dirty Alchemy Experience, we work with you hand-in-hand to transform your business:

  • You’ve already hit some major goals, but lately you’ve plateaued. You want to make a bigger impact with your work, and you’re ready to break into your next level of success.

  • Your last few launches went well, but you spent a lot of time on things that didn’t move the needle forward. You’re craving guidance on exactly which steps to take & where you can trim the fat – so you can dedicate your energy to the tasks that actually create the results you want.

  • You want to upgrade your copy & messaging so that every piece of content is juicy and resonant. You’re ready for your copy to be so potent that your audience is transformed just by reading your posts or sales page.

  • You’re obsessed with your business & your work is your life’s purpose, but you know your next big leap is to have your business less dependent on you. You want to set up systems & automations so you can step back and watch the magic happen.

  • You feel like you have to micromanage your team or else sh*t won’t get done at the level you want (even though you realllly don’t want to be controlling). You’re tired of feeling overwhelmed by doing everything yourself & you’re ready to be supported by a team that cares about your mission as much as you do.

Our team has supported dozens of 6- and 7-figure online business owners through the full human experience of entrepreneurship in our patriarchal capitalist world. We’re here to make every decision feel more clear & every result more easeful.

What’s included:

1:1 Support

1. 4 Live 30-minute Calls with Sam

The support you need, as you need it.

During your live calls, Sam will support you in creating actionable steps towards your goals & addressing whatever questions and challenges are coming up.

How you use your calls is up to you. That may look like scheduling them every 1 - 2 weeks as checkpoints, stacking them into a mega-meeting to work through sh*t, or keeping them in your back pocket to activate when your launch is feeling crunchy.

2. Unlimited (M - F) Voxer Support from Sam

Receive grounded guidance & expertise in real time.

As your collaborative partner, Sam will hold space for you to express yourself, raise concerns, & ask questions.

Why not a structured weekly call? As business owners, the questions we have and our need to be seen doesn’t only happen for a specific scheduled hour every week.

It’s during the in-between moments when we most need support.

With unlimited Voxer access to Sam throughout this container, you can take advantage of those moments of challenge & discovery as they arise, getting direct feedback, and allowing them to become where your most powerful work happens.

3. 2 LIVE Copy Coaching Sessions + Unlimited Copywriting Support

Create copy & messaging so potent it transforms your audience with every sentence.

Throughout your Experience, our expert copywriter will give you feedback and strategies to distill your messaging and strengthen your copy.

In addition to two LIVE Copy Coaching Sessions held over Zoom, you can submit copy to our coach at any time.

Not sure what copy you need to create for your next launch or evergreen funnel? Simple - we’ll provide you with a spreadsheet to guide you on exactly what you need. You’ll save time & energy you would’ve otherwise spent creating copy you don’t actually need.

Plus access to our bestselling offers for the 6 weeks of your Experience

4. Monetize Your Magic

  • Learn the exact process that allowed me to triple my revenue in just a few months.

  • These 7 modules - on everything from raising your prices to strengthening your offer - will help you create more flow in your business without compromising your uniqueness or intuition. You’ll also get 7 Planetary Magic rituals for support in reaching your goals.

5. The SOP Vault

  • Save time with our proven templates.

  • Get access to 120+ templates, guides, and worksheets to help you build the business you want, from your team to your marketing and everything in between.

Plus… 6.

Build a regenerative business that’s sustainable for years to come.

When you enroll in the Dirty Alchemy Experience, you get access to ALL 8 interconnected courses to learn & reference throughout our time together:

  • Evergreen Ecosystems: Where funnel becomes the best kind of dirty word

  • Sacred Attraction Formula: Uncover your path to a wildly successful online program launch

  • Somatic Branding Masterclass: A virtual masterclass to define the *felt experience* of your business

  • Regenerative Copywriting Lab: Where your copy becomes the fully ripe fruit that makes mouths water and your perfect-fit people saying "GIMME!"

  • Peak Visibility: The Master Program for opening the pathways to more eyes on your work

  • Your Root System: Systematize your operations for more time + ease, while the solid root system of your business supports your growth

  • Symbiosis: The 6 step process for hiring a devoted team

  • Regenerative Alchemy: Energetic practices, rituals, and mindset work for wild business growth

Only 3 spaces available per quarter for this level of support.

"Thanks to Sam and her team, I have an amazing ecosystem of business where we are constantly innovating, marketing, sales, and service delivery run seamlessly, and I truly do very little except think and vision, which makes me feel like I'm living my dream life. 

“Sam is fiercely intelligent, immaculately organized, and impressively professional. On top of that, she is warm and kind, and speaks magic and witchery."


This is for you if…

  • Your business is already doing amazingly, and you’re ready to take it to the next level and build a working foundation that will save you time & energy as you scale your impact

  • You’re birthing a new offer for your established business

  • You want to work with a high-level team to uncover your most potent messaging and marketing strategy without giving your sovereignty away

  • You’re about the launch or relaunch a program and you want a supportive team along with you for the ride PLUS access to all the Dirty Alchemy materials throughout the process

This is an opportunity to take what is already working for your business and upgrade it to the most powerful version that’s true to your soul.

This is not for you if…

  • You want to blindly follow what someone else says just because they’re the “experts.” 

  • You’re brand new to business and you don’t know who your audience is yet.

  • You want to fully offload your marketing for someone else to do. Yes you will have our team of experts as a support system, but this Experience is about empowering YOU to learn & implement these skills.


“With Sam's help, my advertising costs have dropped, my list has vastly expanded, and my revenue is up to seven figures. Working with her has led to a serious up-leveling of everything."



"Because of working with Dirty Alchemy, I feel way more confident in how I show up, I’ve had a total energetic transplant and mindset shift regarding visibility and money… I also realized the other day that I’m no longer a workaholic! I got so much support from Sam and the whole group of women. I understand the nuts and bolts and bigger picture of how digital marketing works and feel confident that in the future I know what to do to scale my business.”



"If you are in a place where you want to take an already successful business to the next level and ground it with stability and systems to become the leader you always wanted to be - this work is for you.”


Hi, I’m Sam Garcia.

I created the Dirty Alchemy Experience to help you build out your systems, teams, and marketing automations so you can grow your impact & expand the reach of your work while taking back your time & energy.

It’s designed to include the support you actually need during expansive times in your business. Whether you’re launching, hiring, or building out systems, my team of marketing experts is here to guide you towards your best next steps & walk by your side throughout the journey.

You’ll get personalized guidance to build regenerative principles into your business, making your work feel light, purposeful, and sustainable.