6 Expert-Approved Methods to Help You Reach Your Online Course Launch Goals

Online launches are the lifeblood of an online business.

Unless you have all your funnels set up or you’re in weekly organic promotion of your digital products… 

I also know that many many many spiritual/conscious/creative/sensitive entrepreneurs are triggered by the word “launch.” They have PTSD. They have past disappointment. They’re still recovering from burn out. Or maybe they are just disgusted by “traditional” online marketing tactics that are pushy, sleazy, and on the verge of unethical.

Let’s be honest. Most traditional online marketing was created by men and taught by men. And it can feel wrong when you don’t fit into the “standard” of cis-gender, white, and neurotypical.

I like to think of “launching” as a way to display my work - like a flower in full bloom. It’s a way to build up energy and desire for the people you’re here to serve.

And the regenerative aspect of launching is that launching is an incredible vehicle to deliver immense value to your people, whether or not they buy from you now, later, or ever.

There are some pretty intense launch plans being taught by “experts” on the internet. And they work. But the complexity is simply not necessary when you have a truly unique business.

I talk about this at length with my long-time client Simone Seol on episode 75 of the Regenerative Business podcast. You can listen to “How to build a cult following” here. (It is so so so good - it’s worth the lengthy listen.)

And really, “launching” is simply telling people about a time-based offer. (By time-based I mean there’s an aspect of real urgency - doors are closing, the course is about to start, the coupon is only valid for 5 days, etc.)

So let’s make sure your launches do what you want them do to! (with more flowy fun, please and thank you)

6 Expert-Approved Methods to Help You Hit Your Online Course Launch Goals

1. Set goals that respect your nervous system

Most people will set either massive goals or very humble goals.

Massive goals can be inspiring, but the downfall is that if you don’t coach yourself through it then getting only 80% (or 30%) to the goal can leave you feeling disappointed + like it was a fail.

Very humble goals are easy to hit and can have you feeling like a success every time, but they can leave you in your comfort zone (there’s nothing wrong with your comfort zone!) and if you have a larger vision for your business, then the humble goals are often not enough to get you there.

I recommend setting 3 goals for each launch: The Minimum, the Actual, and the Dream.

The Minimum goal is the number to hit in which the launch is “worth it.” It brings in what you need to cover your expenses now and until your next launch.

The Actual goal is the goal that you actually want! It excites you and keeps you motivated.

The Dream goal is the goal beyond what you think is realistic. It’ll require some magical support and miracles to happen. It’ll require you to stretch and think outside of your status quo.

From there – you get to plan your launch as if the Dream goal was abso-fucking-lutely gonna happen. You go ALL IN on it. (This is the secret answer to those of us who “don’t want to be let down” - even by ourselves…)

Then if you “only” hit your Actual goal or Minimum goal - it wasn’t a fail!! You hit amazing benchmarks that serve you and your business and your people.

Some people are inspired by the stretch of a Dream goal, while others are shut down by it. By setting these 3 goal levels, you’re able to be motivated by the stretch with a safety net for your nervous system.

2. Use magical practices to boost your online course launch results

As spiritual/magical business owners, we have a leg up from muggle business owners. While you can absolutely have a wildly successful business without healing your trauma, feng shui-ing your house, planning timing with astrology, and do money spells, but why the hell wouldn’t you employ everything at your disposal! (bonus points is all of these things are fucking FUN)

P.S. I outlined my full Miracle Protocol in podcast episode 131 here – which are the practices I did when manifesting a 0% down $1M land loan on Maui as a self-employed person (believe me, it’s a friggin miracle)

My 3 favorite energetic practices to do during an online course launch

Here are my 3 favorite practices from Miracle Protocol (and outside of it) that I love to employ during online course launches:

  1. Gyan Chakra Kriya every morning for 11 minutes (if you’ve never done Kundalini yoga before you’re in for a treat lol)

  2. Daily mindset journaling

There are lots of ways to do mindset work, but my absolute favorite is actually from Amanda Frances’ book Rich As F*ck (I know, I know, some people hate her for various reasons, but I swear this journaling practice fucking works.)

👆from chapter 2 of Amanda Frances’ book, Rich As F*ck

  1. Madame Phoenix’s prosperity spell kit

  2. Working with the planetary deities – Mercury or Jupiter

3. Grow your “audience” between launches

If you feel like you need to create new programs and offers all the time to bring in money because once your people buy from you, they buy from you over and over and over again –

Or if your launch numbers are decreasing over time as your relaunch a program –

– this is probably the issue.

Increasing the amount of people engaging in your business ecosystem between launches is so key to building momentum and hitting your goals.

You can do this by playing the social media growth game, running Facebook/Instagram ads (here’s our ultimate guide on how to do that), creating blogs or YouTube videos that link to your lead magnet, PR, being featured on other people’s podcasts, getting affiliates…

Whichever way resonates with your nature is great – you just gotta commit to it and remember to do it between launches and promotions.

4. Have a online launch plan, prepare ahead of time, + follow through

This piece addresses multiple common mistakes when launching.

It will allow you to commit to talking about your offer more than you’re comfortable with (since only a small percentage of your people see any post or email you send).

It makes you follow through to the end of the launch when your people are finally getting off the fence and send those final day emails.

It will make you hit all the points your people need to hear + not just communicate in the way you need to hear / how you naturally talk (it’s not just about you, remember?).

You can do whatever you want to do, but a simple guideline (if you want one) is to post at least 1x/day during your open enrollment period + to send ~12 emails during that time. Two on the last day 😜

When you prepare for this ahead of time, even if it’s simply outline what you want to write about, then you’ll have so much more spaciousness during your live course launch to do the witchy shit that helps + to allow inspiration to drop in extra ideas above your baseline. 

5. Have a drool worthy offer, AKA give the people what they WANT

If you’re creating a new offer, please please please lean into making it focused on what your people CONSCIOUSLY WANT.

Sure, you can sell self-love, but it’s way easier to sell “Feel sexy as fuck in your bathing suit this summer.” Yes, you still get to teach self-love, but what you MARKET is what they WANT.

Sure, you can sell confidence, but it’s way easier to sell “The 3-Step Process to Landing Your Dream Job (or next promotion).”

As the expert, you have the curse of knowing what your people NEED. It is of course important to give your people what they need, but what you are SELLING is what they WANT.

Go ahead and ignore my advice here – I’m just trying to make your life easier 😘

A great example of this is Carolyn Elliott’s INFLUENCE program. What she is selling is getting what you want in the real world through magick – hell yes!! What’s in her program is deep shadow work and working with planetary deities… 

This way you get to give them what they want AND what they need 👏

6. Warm your audience up before the launch

What you do outside of a launch is just as, if not more, important than within a launch.

In the months and weeks before your promotion, be intentional. 

Give value, show up, don’t just ghost your audience in-between launches + only show up when you’re selling (gross!!).

Make sure you are promoting a lead magnet that is DIRECTLY RELEVANT to the people you are attracting for the program + that is connected directly to the program topic.

Make sure you are talking about your course’s topic before the launch so that people already understand why this work is important, before doors are open.

Waitlists work really really well here too. If you have a waitlist-only discount or bonus, you can promote the waitlist leading up to the launch + have people “raising their hand” that they’re interested in the program before the doors are even open.

Whether you’re jumping into your very first online course launch, or you have many under your belt, launches can be as simple as showing up for the people you’re hear to serve, giving value, and inviting them into a deeper relationship with you.

If you enjoyed this, check out the blog “How to Bounce Back After a Failed Online Course Launch” here.

Are you running out of things to post about on social media? We got you…

Get instant access to 30 fun & unique prompts that will get your creative energy flowing & make your audience excited to buy your next offer.

Plus, discover 4 mindset-transforming journaling prompts for an effortless launch or promotion.


Say Goodbye to Money Objections: 10 Copywriting Prompts to Address Money Objections


How to Bounce Back After a Failed Online Course Launch