Planetary Magick: Mercury & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a special Ritual for business success)

Check out the rest of our planetary magick blog series:

Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, The Sun and The Moon.

Listen to our full episode on planetary magick here.


Mercury rules the energy of thought and perception.

This magick can help you improve your communication skills, including writing and speaking. In business, this means everything from your branding to your copy.

He is also the planet of technology and travel.

And he’s associated with fast cash, so that’s fun ;)

Working with Mercury can help you…

  • Develop a brand that resonates with you, your business & your customers

  • Write great copy

  • Arrange a retreat or any event that involves travel

  • Work on the technology parts of your business, like your website, mailing list & tech integrations

  • Do all things marketing

Working with Mercury before a public appearance, like a podcast or Instagram Live, is a great way to make sure you stay on message and say exactly what you want to say.


Mercury’s color is orange

When you are working with Mercury, surround yourself with the color orange. This will help you tap into Mercurial energy. Every time you see this color, you will be reminded of your goals.

You can do everything from painting your nails orange to wearing orange clothing and changing the background on your phone.

Use an orange candle when you give offerings to Mercury (we love these beeswax ones as beeswax candles ionize the air).


Mercury’s Magical Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with Mercury. These can be colors, numbers, foods, or natural objects.

Number: 8

Color: Orange

Day of the Week: Wednesday 

Plants & herbs: parsley, mulberry, honeysuckle, garlic, burdock

Incense: lavender, coriander, cardamom

Crystals & Minerals: agate, carnelian, jasper

Food & drink: coffee, tea, wine, honey water, bread, olives


Offerings to Mercury for Business Success

Want to make some quick cash in your business? Or maybe you want support writing an inspired email to your list?

Mercury has many faces, which means he can support you in many different parts of your business.

Mercury rules language and communication, so he can help you to distill your message to make it as potent as possible.

If you find yourself often feeling like your audience might not understand your message, Mercury Magic is perfect.

Or if you want to write a book for your business! Working with Mercury can help you to jot down everything relevant to your topic, all the things you want to say. He can also help you to refine your message.

Or perhaps you want to get clear on what you should say for a sales call. You want to find the most soul-centered, inspired words. Mercury can support you with that too.


Using Mercury Magic to Hire and Delegate

One of the most common blocks I see magical business owners have is that they’re terrified of stepping out of the weeds of the day-to-day tasks of their business. They think that no one else can do as good of a job as that do, probably because they don’t know how to effectively delegate

Mercury can support you in not only finding the perfect people to join your team by creating a crystal-clear job posting that draws in genius support people...

...but he can also help you delegate via clear directions, and to create straightforward expectations when people join your team.

It’s simple to work planetary magick with Mercury to create a successful business.

Place a plate of food and a beverage that Mercury likes on your altar, like some bread and olive oil with a glass of wine. Reflect deeply with gratitude on what Mercury’s energy has already brought to your business.


Ritual: A Sigil of Desire


You can create and activate this sigil any time.

For most potency, create the sigil on a Wednesday during a Waxing Moon.

1. Get clear on what you want. 

Choose something that lights you up around money, writing, speaking or communication.

If you have a pressing need or desire based on a set timeline, be concrete since Mercury can be slippery with specifics if you are vague. 

 If you don’t have a specific timeline, go with what comes. Mercury has the magical gift to surprise you.


2. Write out your precise, specific desire.

You'd be surprised and delighted to have it happen easily and quickly.




  • $2500 for a new computer

  • 3 new podcasts interviews this month

  • 10 people sign up for my course this week

  • $2000 to hire [specific] coach

  • A VA who I adore and cultivate flow of compelling content with that attracts raving clients

  • My email list doubles in size thanks to my new opt-in

  • 3 paid guest speaking invitations this summer



3. Take your statement and cross out all the vowels.


4. Now cross out any letter, number or symbol that is duplicated.


5. Ignore all punctuation and write down what's left.


6. Distill your desire further by creating a graphic symbol — aka a sigil — with the letters, numbers and symbols that remain.

 Combine the letters, symbols and numbers until they form a symbol. Play with scale. The letters can be lowercase, uppercase, upside down, backwards, overlapping, etc.

For example, V, M, W, and N may all overlap into one shape resembling M. Or you can use them individually.

You want the symbol to have resonance in some way or be pleasing to you.

It’s okay to take your time, but remember Mercury cherishes swiftness. Done is better than perfect.

 7. Rewrite and redraw it until it feels coherent and confident — more like a symbol rather than a compilation of elements.

8. Choose a special pen, or if you have magical ink, draw the final sigil onto a nice piece of paper. 

Place it on your altar along with offerings with this invocation:

 Mercury, I call on you and your swiftness.

Please accept these offerings and my gratitude for connecting me to that which I most desire.

Clear all blocks to my desire within and without.

Make me the one ready to receive your magick and this desire.

So mote it be.


9. Create several copies and place them where they are seen, you touch them often, or they have energy.


  • For money sigils, carry one in your wallet. 

  • For digital activities, attach one to your computer and phone. 

  • If you write by hand, put one on your journal or notebook and tuck one into your pen drawer. 

  • Photograph for your phone background. 

Use anywhere that has a thread of connection to your desire.


10. Redraw or reactivate this sigil every Wednesday and repeat the invocation along with offerings for your Mercury altar until your desire is fulfilled or no longer relevant.

When your desire has been fulfilled, burn all the paper sigils to release them and scatter the smoke and the ashes to the wind while giving thanks to Mercury. Delete any digital ones with thanks.


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