5 Keys to Structure Your Perfect Sales Page

Elizabeth is a copywriting wizard who specializes in helping you write copy that transforms your dream clients into lifelong fans eager to join your programs… without ever stepping out of your integrity or feeling like you’re selling your soul.

She's the "copy coach" in the Alchemical Business Accelerator, which means any piece of copy that members write for their business they can submit in the "copy coaching" thread in our Slack community for her edits & feedback!

She works with our clients one-on-one to help them at all stages of copywriting – from the “I don't know WTF to write stage” to the “it’s done but I have no idea if it’s any good” stage – and with people who've perfected their copywriting skills, but who know that their marketing will be more compelling & convert more people after they get an expert set of eyes on it.

This week’s episode is inspired by our brand new, guide that you can download today 👉✨ The 5 Secrets of a Spellbinding Sales Page that Gets Your Ideal Clients Sold on Your Offer, Fast.


It’s a 5-step guide to writing a sales page that seduces your audience with every word while clarifying your message & giving your soulmate clients what they need to make an empowered decision to work with you.

Listen to the episode to learn more – and don’t forget to download your guide!





Why structure is the secret weapon to connect with your untamed creativity. (3:26)

A lot of people run in the other direction when they hear the word structure. Especially for creative people and for business owners who have big fun ideas, structure can feel like you’re trying to squeeze all your genius into a box it doesn’t want to fit in.

So many of our clients feel this way – when they feel inspired, creative, and excited they don’t want anything to hold them back!

In this episode, Elizabeth explains why structure never has to feel that way. Instead, it can help you take your big ideas even further. Structure gives you a starting point, a touchstone that you can return to along the way, and an ending point that you can easily work towards.

Listen to hear about why even people who hate structure can find our sales page process inspiring.

This one thing should be the focus of every sentence on your sales page. (8:59)

We resonate with content when it feels like it's speaking directly to us, and all of our unique fears and love and messiness. That's why every sentence that you write for your business, and especially your sales page, should keep your ideal client in mind.

Elizabeth’s advice is to announce who the program is for in the opening sentences, ideally in the tagline. You never want someone to have to read through the page to figure out whether or not your offer, program, or service is for them.

When you do that, you're making your clients feel seen, heard, and understood by you from the very first word. That’s going to compel them to keep reading down the page, and it’s going to make them feel this really deep connection to you and your business.

Obviously, that means you need to deeply know who your ideal client is. Listen in as Elizabeth shares tips for how you can hone in on your ideal client.

The most important aspect of your offer that you *need* to include on your sales page. (13:57)

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to convince people that they should join your program? If you do, odds are that you're not fully addressing the transformation.

The transformation is what your entire service hinges on. It’s the base of where all your marketing should be coming from. Once you can explain what transformation is available to them and why it’s a game changer, you will find it effortless to convert your ideal audience members into paying customers.

On this episode, Elizabeth is showing you exactly how to make your transformation sparkle on your sales page – so you can easily convert your dream clients. 

Imagine how much your copy would elevate in 6 months if you had daily copy coaching from Elizabeth.

That’s what you unlock when you join the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

Elizabeth is in our private community every day – responding to questions, making edits & giving feedback.

As a member of the Alchemical Business Accelerator, there is no maximum to how often or how much feedback you can get on your copy.

If you’re ready for your copy to ascend to become more magnetic & compelling than ever before, the Alchemical Business Accelerator is where you want to be.

Discover more insights into crafting the perfect sales page in our 5-step guide.

Seduce your audience with every word, clarify your message, AND give your soulmate clients everything they need to make an empowered decision to work with you.

In this guide, you will learn…

  • The 5 key features that make sales pages successful. Say goodbye to all those hours wasted on a sales page that doesn’t actually get you any sales!

  • What information your audience needs to hear to make an empowered decision about joining your program, so you never feel like you need to “convince” or “persuade” people to join again

  • How to write high-converting sales page copy that feels aligned with your heart-centered values, instead of trying to squeeze your unique creative expression into someone else’s icky-feeling formula

  • The most common sales page mistakes magical business owners make & how to fix them

Download yours today:

👉✨ The 5 Secrets of a Spellbinding Sales Page that Gets Your Ideal Clients Sold on Your Offer, Fast ✨👈

I have one FREE resource for you…

I’m so excited to be hosting a masterclass soon on The 6 Foundations for Spacious Business Growth

… where I’ll be diving into how to use Magical & Mundane systems to boost your revenue & clear your schedule so you can channel your best ideas and actually have a life outside of business.

It’s happening Sunday, September 18, 2022 7:00 PM EDT – and you’re invited!


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